Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?

  • 7 Replies
I've decided to (eventually) try a collab using something like Knytt Stories or Super Mario Bros. X with the guys at GameCeptionNL. I chose KS and SMBX because i'm familiar with them and they're quite easy to learn how to use.

The thing is, however, nobody there has ever heard of either of those games. I'm not sure if the level/episode/whatever will turn out that great if it's their first time, or if they would even participate at all. It doesn't help that the forum has only 5-7 active members.

I could also let them decide on another level editor to use, and i can give them the .pdf tutorial someone made for KS. And any feature in SMBX that they should use (with the exception of custom graphics) can be learned just by using them.

So yeah, if this collab is possible, i'd like some advice on how to make this actually work.


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Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2013, 13:46:08 »
I don't know SMBX so I can't help you in how to do a collab in that, but the principle is usually the same regarding the platform you're using for a collab.

The first thing you'd need to consider is the timeframe. You can all be working at it at the same time, and later stitch it together, or you can take turns and send each version around and wait for each other.

Working on a level at the same time really works best if people are familiar with each others work and know the platform inside out. In your case I would choose not to pursuit this right now, but maybe for a second project.

The second option is to make something, send it to the next, they add to it, and send it to the next etc.

Having decided the method, the next phase is meeting up. This can be through chat/PM's/email/forum or face to face. In the meeting you discuss a few things.
1. What is the level about?
2. What style is the level? (challenge, maze, a story, a quest, etc...)
3. What absolutely not to put in the level?

And what else you want to discuss prior to starting.

Then someone starts on the level, and when he/she's done, the level is zipped to a .knytt.bin file and send to the next.

Everyone should be allowed to edit the other's work after talking about it.

For example: Hey StraightFlame, in room 1006x1201 you have this small corridor. Mind if I expand one downwards so I can add a screen below it?

Or to fix an SGE etc.

I hope these guids will help.
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Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 14:34:42 »
Working on a level at the same time really works best if people are familiar with each others work and know the platform inside out. In your case I would choose not to pursuit this right now, but maybe for a second project.
Are you saying that i shouldn't do collabs with GCNL right now, or simply that it's going to be kind of difficult? Either way, thanks. Especially for the part about how to do a KS collab.

I don't know SMBX so I can't help you in how to do a collab in that,
Super Mario Bros. X is a tool for making Mario fangames. It's kind of like Knytt Stories with Mario instead of Juni, and entire games instead of one level.

The way it works makes it ideal for collabs (which is in part why i chose it): You make each level individually, and put their files together in a folder, along with a world map file and the custom music/graphics. It even has an online mode that lets several people work on the same level/map at the same time.


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Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 15:05:35 »
Working on a level at the same time really works best if people are familiar with each others work and know the platform inside out. In your case I would choose not to pursuit this right now, but maybe for a second project.
Are you saying that i shouldn't do collabs with GCNL right now, or simply that it's going to be kind of difficult? Either way, thanks. Especially for the part about how to do a KS collab.
On the contrary. I say doing a collaberation can be done in 2 ways. The first method is only good if you have done collaberations with them before and therefor I would advice against it. You simply don't know their style and they don't know Knytt Stories. But, the second method still works: each doing a turn and send it over. That way you can build on eachother's level and you can see how they do their things and work with that. In the first methodt, you are sort of required to know how someone works and what they can do, and you only see the end result after you done your part. If you make something that is completely different from what they made, it might not fit. But if you see what they did before you build your work, you can continue their work.

So the 2nd method is the way to go for a collaberation in Knytt Stories.

I don't know SMBX so I can't help you in how to do a collab in that,
Super Mario Bros. X is a tool for making Mario fangames. It's kind of like Knytt Stories with Mario instead of Juni, and entire games instead of one level.

The way it works makes it ideal for collabs (which is in part why i chose it): You make each level individually, and put their files together in a folder, along with a world map file and the custom music/graphics. It even has an online mode that lets several people work on the same level/map at the same time.
Ah okay. I don't know how you can share your level openly so others can edit it, but assuming that is possible, the same would apply to SMBX then. :)
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Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 16:35:29 »
I would probably recommend Super Mario Bros. X over Knytt Stories. A Knytt Stories level made by a bunch of people who've never played Knytt Stories before would probably not be fun (though it's something I'd be interested in seeing!) whereas virtually everyone knows the basics of how Mario works.

Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 17:53:51 »
(though it's something I'd be interested in seeing!)
Sergio, you just made it really tempting to talk sh** about Exquisite Knorpse.

(But yeah, sometimes i doubt if they even tested that level. I had to use cheats often because i got stuck due to a lack of powerups.)

Edit: Also, i just asked the server/forum owner if i could do a SMBX collab. He said i could.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 17:55:57 by StraightFlame »

Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 22:33:27 »
...Well, my opinion is that it could turn out anywhere from great to terrible. The result would just be unpredictable with people who are new to the games.

Re: Any advice on whether or not, and how to start a collab like this?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2013, 14:54:42 »
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I finally put up a thread on their (Dutch) forum suggesting an SMBX collab, of which the WIP title will be No More Chewbaccas until a better title is suggested. Once it's done, i'll post a download link on the Nifforum.