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Messages - Carn

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Sorry guys I've had college and a girlfriend to contend with taking up all my spare time.  Well...not really sorry about my girly at least.  :)

But I haven't been able to work on PIR for at least a month now and I dunno when I'll have the time to finish it. 

And Lem you do need to go that way and Pain is Very Hard compared to Paradise just being Hard...there's a big boost in difficulty.  Bliss borders on Insane except that there's always a specific way to get past all the enemies and puzzles.  It's been called Ninja-like difficulty before... X)

Probably though you'd have to be more specific on what you wanted to use because I didn't make most of the original tilesets for the levels and only a few of the backgrounds.  I'd have to know what you wanted to use then see if the people that I got custom tilesets and backgrounds from for my games would want you to use them.

Oh and you can use any of the music if you want to I took free samples and modified them myself to fit my purposes so any of that you can use as long as you credit me cause some of them took quite a while to get just right.

Oh then by all means you can I don't mind I just hope you can find all the hidden areas in Bliss and the secret ending to Pain.

After ya get all four keys you have two places to go the large secret area that's about the same size as the rest of the game or you can go on to finish the game which means going to the lake which is on the far-left (look at the map in the starting plain area to see where exactly).  

For those that never played them before Pain and Bliss have hidden areas Bliss has quite a few and almost every single one is a clue or hint on how to get to the final area.  There is at least one hidden area in each evil area and one hidden area in the Good Forest area.

And hiya Teper yes I am back finally sorry I was gone for so long but college got in the way and life in general but I'll be picking up a laptop in a week and then I'll be able to work when I'm out and about so I should be able to finish it.  Off and on I worked on Planet in Ruin and have made about 10 or so screens of the actual game itself not just that beta area it's taken a while because I really lost focus and haven't figured out how I want the game to look yet.  I know that at least some areas will have a day/night sort of shift.

Oh and I don't know what you mean by LP sorry wolf...can you elaborate?

Hello folks for those that don't remember (no real reason you should lol) I made a set of levels all based around different parts of the afterlife.  These are the only levels I've made before and I hope each was way better than the last.   :^^:

Anyways they got some fairly good reviews and comments and I always planned on making a fourth one (even released a beta) but school and life got in the way.  I am about to start working on the fourth one again I hope and wanted to re-post my games here for the new forum.

Here they are in order note each game is harder than the last with Journey being very difficult yet still skill-driven.

And just for kicks here's the demo I made of my fourth one that was going to be called Planet In Ruin.

Knytt Stories / Re: Razzormans Knytt stories lets plays
« on: March 21, 2009, 19:39:02 »
I would suggest one of mine of course but because the stories are all linked together it wouldn't make much sense just playing one...and I doubt my first one would be very enjoyable for people to watch anyways since it was my first ever Knytt level and is somewhat repetitive.

 X) I didn't realize that was the version that HAD graffiti...

I thought that was the original beta I uploaded...ah well at least it ended in the same place pretty much.  I've got this thing almost done now I think all I have left are a few cutscenes...remember this is the prologue so there's not a lot here except building up to the actual game which will probably be done sometime after the semester is over at college.

I would be if I had the latest version of KS already downloaded.  :shocked:

I'm on 56k and only started downloading the newer version earlier today since I haven't really touched KS or my level even for a few months.  When it's done by like tomorrow (only downloading at a very slow speed) I'll check out the new features opened to level creators...if anything I'd make new people probably for my city and change the colors of a few other objects to fit in with my game more.

Ah, I remember playing the beta of this. :3 I'm gonna look forward to this.

To be fair I doubt this game is out before college is done with this semester...been hectic for me.  I'll work on it a little during spring break and maybe weekends from now on at least.

The demo isn't even of the main's the prologue.  It's going to have a single other main area besides the city streets (those sewers I'm unsure of...) and then after that you go to the main game. 

The main game will simply be Planet in Ruin and will be the fourth game in my series...I will NOT make it as big as Journey Through Bliss...if any of you have played it you'd know that it's a fairly large and extensive level compared to my other two.

It will follow Juni's latest and last life on Planet.  It will also explain why when she died this time she didn't end up in Bliss but went to Paradise instead.

Okay so I gave out a little beta to a few people back on the old board but I don't think I ever got around to actually releasing it for people to play...anyways that beta is now in the level archive for you people to try out and give me opinions on.

I'm here asking for opinions on the next area of the game past that beta...a sewer system of sorts.  I'll post a screenshot of my concept for the sewers right now but this is the third sewer look I've tried and I scrapped the other two...I'm not sure how to pull off what I need.  I need a modern-era sewer system that in a pinch can function as a platform-esque puzzle area as well...such as jumping from pipe area to pipe area. 

Tell me what you like and dislike from the screeny (background is bland and in-game would be filled with a custom one of my own like I did in Journey Through Bliss for the caves) and if you have a different take on sewers and maybe have a screenshot that demonstrates it please post it...I've been stumped every time I try and start working on this thing.

Btw if you have any comments on the beta since not a lot of you got to play it before please tell me.  C)

Knytt Stories / Re: Concerns About Knytt Stories Levels....
« on: March 05, 2009, 04:12:40 »
No I doubt any KS regulars abuse the rating system I'd just be worried about someone new to KS that makes a game, uploads it, and then having never even come to these forums just rates their own game really high and rates the other popular games very low trying to get people to play their level.

I do tend to over-worry but that's a possibility.  XD

Knytt Stories / Re: Concerns About Knytt Stories Levels....
« on: March 02, 2009, 06:36:35 »
A ranking system for each level does make a lot of sense though.  Where logged-in users have the option to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on levels.  Of course you'd have people abusing this system but if you're forced to give a reason for your thumb up or thumb down it'd cut down on that quite a bit.

On another note I can't wait for the new archive...I uploaded my levels in the wrong order and hope I'll be able to change that at some point.  X)

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