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Messages - EdudDiputs

Pages: [1]
Knytt Underground / Re: Knytt Underground is out!
« on: December 22, 2012, 22:47:59 »
Do you have any preference for how we purchase it?  Fast Spring or Gamers' Gate?

Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Customizable Puzzles
« on: March 21, 2010, 20:06:49 »
Sup guys,

I made a little bit more progress with this thing in the last 2 months.  But I've mostly lost interest.
I added a couple more puzzles, including the race and the Dragon Noir.

I've changed some of the flag stuff.  It is a little bit more human readable.
ie, to set flags on win you do:
On Win=Flag 0 = 10

And you can enable/disable with conditions like:
Is Won If=Flag 0 > 8

Just, remember to always put a space on each side of the operator.
"On Win" Operators:
"Is Won If" Operators:

Also, this level has a super thin Sound Module.ccn.  It just loads up the sounds module in Nifflas - 000 - Teleporters.  You can save about 9 megs that way.

Unfortunately, this Puzzler.cnn is about 4 megs, and you will need to have a copy of it for each galaxy where you use these puzzles.  I tried to make a smaller Puzzler.cnn setup with 1 fat file and a bunch of references for each galaxy, but I had some problems with this.  You can see the MFA files for these experiments in the download.

Also, I tried to make an ini customizable Sound Module.  But, it is like Nifflas said: it is too slow.  Especially when climbing.  When you climb, the game plays the climbing sounds like a billions times per second.  So it gets really bad with custom sounds.  I'm afraid that whoever wants custom sounds will need access to MMF2.  Or someone might make a plugin or something that lets you cache sounds.  I dunno.  Anyway, my MFA files for this experiment is included with the download as well.

Feel free to use and expand on this stuff.  Let me know if you have any questions, or just post here.  I think I am subscribed to this topic.



I am actually working on a lua-powered Puzzler. Progress is slow though, my main PC is broken.
You'll be able to load external graphics and all that, I still need to structure it and do some testing.
I already asked Nifflas about this and he's fine with it,
I'm just not sure if the effort is worth it since level editing is much tougher than in KS, ergo not many levels will be released (for now).

Looki said he was doing something like that.
Email him and see how its going.  Even if he's not working on it anymore, he might have some ideas.

Good luck.

Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Customizable Puzzles
« on: January 30, 2010, 20:47:17 »
Sup guys,

Much thanks for all of the posts and stars.  I appreciate it.  :P2

Also, thanks for the notes on shared flags, LightningEagle.  I did not know about that.  That makes some things easier.

As for invisible planets, I would guess that if you drop some planet folders into a star system, but don't add entries for them in Star.ini, they would be invisible for UFO travel, but you could still teleport to them via Trigger Points.
When I next upload my changes to this Puzzler file, I will also do some experiments with the Trigger Points.  I may even have a working example to upload.  We will see.

Anyway, I've been adding more config'able puzzles.  I have not really tested them yet.  So they are not ready.  And I would also like to see how many of the Dragon Noir puzzles I can get into the next release as well.  Some of them seem kind of challenging to adapt (circuit logic gates!?).  But maybe it is not bad at all.

Thanks again you guys,


Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Customizable Puzzles
« on: January 25, 2010, 01:52:52 »
::Austra Puzzles Customizable::

If you download this, please copy the sound module file from Nifflas' level:
Nifflas - 000 - Teleporters\Sound Module.ccn

Copy it and place it into my level after you download and extract it.

(It's a big file.  I didn't want to upload it)

I have included the puzzler.mfa with the download

All of Autra's puzzles are customizable (except for the teleport device)

There's some other stuff I was experimenting with in here.  Might be worth taking a quick look.  I might write more about it later.

There are 2 read me's and 1 puzzler.ini worth looking at.  I'll paste them here for quick reference:

Spoiler: Puzzler.ini (click to show/hide)

Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Snowing Effect
« on: January 24, 2010, 23:29:43 »
Open the planet using the editor.

Open up Objects.ini for the planet.
Go down to the part for particles:

Now, open a room in the editor.
Click "Screen Settings"

You will see something like this:

Spoiler: Screen Settings (click to show/hide)

I have not really messed with this stuff myself.
But I think that is how you do it.

Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Gathering Knowledge
« on: January 16, 2010, 18:51:33 »
I've been messing with Saira's player sprite sheet.
I've been able to figure out what sprites are played by what player actions.
Anyway, here are the sprites and actions, in case you plan on making a player sprite sheet manually.

I've listed the actions in the order they appear on the sprite sheet.
Format: <# of sprites for an action> - <action description>
  • 18 - Run warm up. If you start running from a standing position, this animation plays before you reach full speed.  It takes Saira about 2 steps.
  • 24 - Run cycle. This is the repeating running animation.  It plays as long as you run at full speed.  It takes Saira about 2 steps.
  • 24 - Slowing down your run to a stop.  The first sprite always plays when you release the run button on the ground, even if you have not reached the full speed run animation.  How many frames are played depend on how fast you were running?
  •   1 - not used?.
  •   1 - Jumping up. This is the first sprite that plays when you jump. This sprite will be held much longer if you use the fly power to fly straight up in the air.
  •   6 - Slowing ascent.  As your jump loses momentum, these sprites play.
  •   9 - Start to fall.  As you start to fall from you jump, these sprites will play. If you run straight off a ledge and start falling without jumping, these sprites play.
  •   1 - Terminal velocity falling.  This sprite is held once you fall fast enough.
  • 24 - Climb cycle. This is the repeating climbing animation. It will repeat a couple times if you hit a wall with a lot of speed from the fly power.
  • 11 - Climb slows. Plays as your climb loses momentum, slows down, and you start to slide down.
  •   1 - Slide down. This frame is held the whole time you slide down.
  •   1 - not used?
  • 10 - Grabbing ledge. Plays when you start grabbing a ledge.
  •   1 - Hold ledge. Holds this frame once you have settled on the ledge.
  • 54 - Fly Power.  I am pretty sure that this does not cycle/repeat.  (So I am guessing that the fly power cannot be extended to last longer?)
  • 487 - Idle animation.
  •   2 - blanks at the end (obviously not used?)

Note that 2 of those animations will cycle/repeat:  The run and climb animations.

Some more notes:
Normally if you change directions, the game plays the normal "slow down run" and "warm up run" animations.
But *sometimes* if you are running into a wall and you change directions, you can stay in the "full speed" run animation cycle.
I do not think this phenomenon gives you a speed/acceleration boost.  It’s just a weird animation effect.

If you use the fly power to fly straight up and slightly sideways into a climbable wall, you can climb about 1/2 a screen higher with the momentum.

Anyway, thanks for the game.

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