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Topics - heartskuppy

Pages: [1]
FiNCK / the outer rim (third party pack) help
« on: July 20, 2010, 17:28:28 »
i'm on 6 coins and i can't figure out how to get the 7th, i've narrowed it down to two possible rooms:

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NightSky / night game footage from GDC?
« on: April 01, 2009, 07:57:10 »
so i happened to be watching playr, which is a tv show dedicated to video games (previews, reviews and the sort) and they were covering GDC, so i thought, oh ok cool, i'll watch this. lo and behold, as well as showing all the big news, they showed a few indy games. showed about 5 seconds of night game, with some guy talking through what he was doing in the game. i did a little searching online, and came up with nothing. it's not even on their official website. very disappointing. if night game was at GDC, and there for the press, why has no footage surfaced?

as a side note, funnily enough, they listed the game as being for PC. X)

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