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Topics - Kasran

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Forum Games / Odd One Out, redux
« on: January 04, 2014, 21:13:39 »
I started a forum game called Odd One Out way back in 2009, and it seemed to be mildly successful in its time. I figured I'd try it again!

The rules, shortened quote from the original topic's post:
I post a list of three or more items.
Then the next three people to post pick an item and give a short explanation of why they think that item is unique from the others.
(Note that two or more people can pick the same item, as long as they give different explanations.)
I then pick the person whose explanation I like the best, and that person posts a list. Repeat.

So, as I also said in that post, it's kind of like Apples to Apples: you appeal to the judge if possible.

I'll start:
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water


A little thing I threw together over the past couple of days. (Don't expect quality; it was more of a warm-up.) Made using Egomassive's great KS+ level editor, but playable in normal Knytt Stories.
I'm not entirely sure whether it's deserving of the Hard classification; its challenges are tougher than those of The Machine on its Normal setting, so that's how I'm justifying it.

Download it here! And have fun.

(edit) A note about the credits: One of the custom tilesets (the one consisting only of a cave entrance) is made by "Semeurim," which is me from 2011. Feel free to use the cave entrance or telescope graphics however you wish, credit not necessary.

Knytt Underground / Secret... thing? [spoiler-y???]
« on: December 29, 2013, 04:03:47 »
So I've been playing Knytt Underground a LOT the past couple of days. It's a wonderful game. <3

But I found an odd little area...
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Okay, I'm back, at least for a little while. I presume nobody missed me.

Looking back for my most recent Dev Showcase topic, I was displeased to find that I had only released one music piece since my last posting. That would be this. Tell me what you think, keeping in mind that it is a WIP (and one I haven't worked on in a while, at that).

Yes, I am at work on music and other things. No, I've not been concentrating too well.


I have no idea what I was thinking. I really don't.


Also, I made some minimal music sort of inspired by it.
Get it here.

Ninja edit: Click on the image for a bigger image.

Edit: Just a note to say I don't want you to use this music in your Knytt Stories levels because I am going to use it in a game.

Development Showcase / [Concept Art] for a game I'm working on
« on: September 12, 2009, 20:44:20 »
So yeah. I have been working on a new game. Hopefully this one will actually be eventually completed.
It will be called Bara, and it will be a platformer with heavy focus on exploration (and a lot of other stuff too, hopefully).

Anyway, this is the art in question:

Drawn in Paint.NET and stuff. And speaking of which, here is the PDN file, for those of you who have Paint.NET and want to look at the layers or something.

Development Showcase / [Trance] Djesel - Beskehau
« on: September 12, 2009, 20:38:47 »
Eine kleine Trancemusik.

I made this a little while ago but forgot to post it here. Yes, Djesel is me.

Give it a listen, or not.

I must say, now that I think about it this was a great idea. Too bad it got abandoned; this could have been seriously awesome.

I liked seeing the different environments people made, and also the different included objects, like the brown platform that took you to a different screen in the world. The balloon was a little confusing at first; I also did not know at first that you could swim. XD The elevators were pretty cool, also.

Overall I'm a bit disappointed that it got stopped. This could have gone places. Awesome places.

...Just my two cents.

Development Showcase / [Liquid Drum & Bass] Compose Traction
« on: May 15, 2009, 20:49:08 »
Go get it.

I've outdone myself on this one.

(In my story-world, this is a track by the fictional musician K.trace)

Here I present three recent tracks from three of my four musical pseudonyms.

[Drill & Bass] Dragon MC - Mixified: Some of you will have heard this one already; I posted it in the thread for my DnB album as well.
[Experimental] Traskan - &nbsp;: Meh experimental stuff. Quarter-tempo beats ftw.
[Ambient Breaks] Kasran - Resting Place for the Lost Soul: My latest creation. Also, the longest title I've ever put on a track.

Other Free Games / [Acton-Adventure/Platformer] Cave Story
« on: April 07, 2009, 05:30:18 »
It had to happen eventually.

EDIT.2: Action-adventure platformer.

Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari in Japanese) is a pretty fun RPG-shooter thing. You're basically this guy who wakes up in a cave and has to go figure out what's going on. I can't release too much more without spoiling something or another.

Mirai Gamer website

I've heard that there is a way, but I don't know what it is.
I was making plans for my untitled shmup, and I decided that this game would be awesome played with an Xbox 360 controller.

Development Showcase / [Project] Untitled Shmup
« on: March 01, 2009, 21:51:36 »
From the guy who didn't bring you Is World (:sad:) comes...
The Untitled Shmup!

A shmup is a shoot-em-up, for those of you who don't know.

It will be a top-down scrolling shooter. Right now I'm working on a tile-rendering scrolling engine.
I think you'll like the fact that I might release a level editor for it; even if I don't, I'll include a manual on how to make levels with a hex editor. Heheh.

I am going to include a set of official levels that people won't be able to edit; I don't know how I'll do that yet, but I have an idea.

Comments, questions, etc. are very welcome! :3

Forum Games / Odd One Out
« on: February 28, 2009, 02:15:51 »
w00t, first forum game!

I post a list of three or more items. Then the next three people to post pick an item and give a short explanation of why they think that item is unique from the others. (Note that two or more people can pick the same item, as long as they give different explanations as to why they think that item is different from the others.) I then pick the person whose explanation I like the best, and that person posts a list. Repeat.
For example:

DragonMC: red turquoise blue
minmay: Red isn't remotely close to the other two.
Firecat: Red has the shortest number of letters.             (explanations that involve the spelling, number of letters, etc. are not forbidden but are frowned upon)
Paula: Turquoise is one of the names Armand has used for his music.

Of course, I would pick Paula's answer because I love Armand's music. XD
So it's kinda like Apples to Apples: you appeal to the judge.

My list:

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