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Messages - Xlavicted

Pages: [1]
When I try to download it brings up all these random symbols and stuff. Help.

I'm going to start on my first level today, and it requires keys, locks, and powerups.
Its going to be mostly enviormental and stuff, but because the levels I've made with level editor usaly are messed up because I cant layer correctly, I need help.

Gah, how do I put it in my kyntt stories file and then play it

The statues are freaking awesome. One jump proved to be almost impossible, but great work.

Oh, well. Lets get the best out of this topic.

I found out about Nifflas, Kyntt stories and things like that by a game on a website. It was a attempted version of 'Don't eat the mushroom!', it was longer, harder to figure out and dident have music. In its discription it said something like:'Yes this is based off of that level in Kyntt stories', so I looked it up and found this forum and the rest of the games. So, hello.

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