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Topics - the drowning darkness

Pages: [1]
yeah, reposting this level because I feel like it. this was my first knytt stories level, so it holds a special place in my heart. <3

so basically, you're a guy who's tired of living in the city -- you decide to leave. it may sound simple, but it's not nearly as simple as you may at first think. you'll find yourself running around strange unique places hidden in the streets and alleyways of the city, in search of four keys that reveal the way to a forbidden item that enables you to sneak past the strange creatures preventing you from leaving.

this level is fairly difficult, so beware I guess. beware ... (lol)

anyway here's the download links:

if there are any errors with the level, please feel free to point them out. even though this is rather old, I still want this level to be the best that it can be.
I've also been thinking of making this level have multiple difficulty levels, so keep your eye open for that aswell.

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