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Messages - Beomene

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Saira / Re: Tweaking the controls
« on: December 24, 2009, 01:06:30 »
I was suprised that he was banned so quickly.
I didn't agree with it either becuase I would've thought the statement
"worst ever" would be something Nifflas could laugh off becuase it is a bizarre overstatement,
and one should know this must be a very frustrated person with a slow computer talking.

I don't think you yourself liked neither what he wrote, how it made you feel or your immediate action.
You know Nifflas, I would've done the same... if it was a comment on my dA or youTube,
that simply felt like taint and venom.

We -all- wish we were Gandalf-ian, Albus Dumbledore-ish personages that can just take any crap with an enigmatic smile,
but sometimes we react to protect ourselves vehemently.

I loved the controls from the first jump, I tried them on Nifflas computer,
and everthing was smooth, had a "runners high" feeling, but kept realistic the challenge somehow.

Hugs y'all. Merry Christmas.

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 23, 2009, 14:03:43 »
Perhaps then Juni is baffled by the reflection in the camera lens?

I totally didnt knew that!

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 21, 2009, 21:04:24 »
Nice to hear, ThunderBird... ^_  ^

Yes, I can't really get that idea out of my head.
The thing is I'm moving on to the next project,
and really, its for the livelyhood.

But, yeah, it's a really nice idea. I have the sketches already, they were like made in november,
but I don't wanna draw Juni! I really don't! I want Juni to be in that pixel-shape, and I would most of all want Sara to make that. She told me she wanted to see my idea of Juni, but
I think the charm of it would be the two different styles.
Of course, I could just copy her style. *shrug* Somethings off about that scenario.

I was thinking Saira would say "Now say Nifflas!" or something,
perhaps "say mushroom!",
and Juni would look sort of hypnotized by the technologically advanced device.
Sairas camera is kinda large, btw, heavy. Not something small and modern,
but rather something you'd expect to find in the 1970's.

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 20, 2009, 23:50:26 »
I made this in ten minutes.

We could make another (better) one where we who participate all state a few things about ourselves.
Just as something until that homepage has gotten set up?
Sounds like fun!

I wanna draw a picture where Juni meets Saira, and Saira takes Juni's picture... ^_ ^
I've sketched on it, for t-shirts. But I wanted Sara to draw Juni, but I didn't manage to convince her... :T

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 20, 2009, 17:52:06 »
Spoke to him on the phone eh Beomene?  I suppose I can't argue with you then; you heard his tone of voice and such.  :P

Yep. I didn't need my psychic powers, he was quite frank about his feelings that time.

Well, speaking about moods; he passed with flying colours yesterday!
He already mentioned one idea he has for the next game, I got really intrigued. Well, who wouldn't... ^_ ^

I love his apartment, lots of nes Mario and instruments everywhere.

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 20, 2009, 17:48:46 »
Spoiler: (unhyper version) (click to show/hide)
heyheyheyhey I made Saira fanart isn't it cool I used a photo of my sister as reference that's why Saira is wearing a scarf and a coat and a bag instead of a backpack but actually I'd say it's just that Saira changed from her parkour clothes to some more casual stuff because she's on vacation and admiring some creatures out of their natural habitat heh I guess the sandwalker is kinda cold there walking on the snow also the eye is kinda off but it's kinda off in the game too because it's so huge but whatever I can't shut up I'm sorry.
click the thumbnail it gets you to the fullsize picture isn't that great can I be part of the club now too?

You -shouldn't- shut up!
This blows my mind!
Absoluutely... drewlable... *uses as screensaver*

Saira / Re: Spotted/posted about Saira? Post it here!
« on: December 19, 2009, 16:51:29 »
Boing Boing ✔ added - the best indie and iPhone games of 2009.

(Another positive review  ;) - Do not succumb to the power of the dark blogs, nifflas!)

On the same page, really close to Machinarium! Thats great, you love Machinarium, don't you Niff??

*victory dance*

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 19, 2009, 02:21:35 »
Yes, don't forget Salmoneus there!
We can be the Furious Fanart Five! Or Fab(ulous) Fanart Five?
Until more people join, and then we're in a pinch,
must prepare more name suggestions...

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 18, 2009, 21:32:04 »
I'm using
as the watermark so annoyingly states! >_ <
I will buy it one of these days to get rid of that watermark...!

I love curly hair too!
I'm still just drooling all over that perfect forehead!
Good job!

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 18, 2009, 21:19:30 »
Work in progress, here... Just wanted to show you how it's coming along! :)

By karooble

It'll probably be a full-length piece, but a lot of what's below the shoulders is still sketchy. Expect more later!  C)

Absolutely gorgeous. Those collarbones are very anatomically correct.
And for once, she has her cap taken off!
One hard thing when drawing Saira, for me,
was the fact that, yes, she is attractive in her own way... But very much in her own way.

Neither does she seem to pay her own beauty much mind
and the cap is really her trademark.
I've actually taken her hat of in one or two of my drawings,
the excuse being she is washing her hair (in tears) or have had the hat stolen (by a creatur made of flem) and is retreiving it...
This is is a beautiful rendering of Saira,
I'd love to see more.
Any photo as reference?
I wish Nifflas would've chosen someone for me to have as reference,
but, alas, he didn't. Thus her features differ a bit from piece to piece,
the main thing defining her being her colours and equipment.

One more thing, is that the outcome is very different when you have her skin the properly dark brown and the hair jet black. I felt there was always a tremendous difference when lineart was coloured,
more than usual for my lineart.
One tip is that Nifflas has described her eyes as pitch black.
They might shine a lot, you know, catch a lot of light,
but there really is no colour or hue at all that visibly separates pupil from iris.
And its not really a braid as much as it is a ponytail, her hair.
And the last guideline I can recall atm is
that she is about 170 cm.

This beauty makes me think a lot about Sairas sister, the one in the carcrash.
She is up until the carcrash leading a more conventional life on Mars, from what I've gathered from the game,
while Saira took her saucer and went exploring outer space.

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 18, 2009, 21:01:53 »
This topic is cute. :)

Beomene, how do you even know Nifflas was sad or disappointed?  It's definitely nice to care, but I think you were jumping to conclusions because of how certain comments made YOU feel (even though there are more positive than negative, which has been stated already).

Anyway, not trying to put a damper on things here, I agree with what everyone has said.  If Nifflas was ever feeling down, I bet he isn't now!

I'm not gonna go into details,
but I spoke to him on the phone.
I'm kind of a phone-psychic, y'know, I hear what you say as well as what you're not saying simultaneously.
*concieted smile*

Maybe we can give you a Saira-directors cut DVD where I tell each excruciating detail,
whilst Nifflas in a polite way claim I exaggerate,
but for now, I'm gonna be a bit mysterious and enigmatic and so forth...

We will meet tomorrow, signing papers and stuff.
I will amass all my empathy, which will propably make my eyes glow an eerie yellow, and peer at him whenever he is not looking, to try to delve into his mind without him noticing.
And if he notices, well, fail... But at least I will know how he's feeling.

And thanks for the congratulations Heartskuppy...!

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 17, 2009, 23:03:07 »
I am so grateful that you people take the time to convey this.
I mean, it's all true and it -should- be said,
but still it's not something I see very often,
you really are the best.

*read LimeLemonUrbanMonk
LightningEaglesmeagle again*

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 17, 2009, 18:33:58 »
Whoop! I was planning to keep my reaction secret. Anyway, it probably have to do with that I worked approx. 11 hours per day for a while before the release and that I was exhausted and should have relaxed for a few days instead of reading blog comments.

Sorry, perhaps I should've guessed you wanted me to keep quiet.
But damn, that phonecall the other day worried me to no end.

Saira / Re: About the art style in Saira
« on: December 17, 2009, 13:36:51 »
Makes me happy to hear.
There is a t-shirt planned,
but we are not sure yet.
Nifflas will have to think about it, I guess.

It -might- be a black t-shirt with the silhouette of a flying saucer, surrounded by twisting flames.
Difficult to explain. But it will be not absolutely -saira-, but rather a nice t-shirt that someone who hasn't even heard of Nifflas might want to wear. It is Sairas saucer though, ofcourse.

We will see if it is coming, I've sent him the graphic material at least.

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 17, 2009, 13:33:41 »
Cheer him up? Well, I hope so too.

Calm down?
Yes, I will take any pill,
red or blue or purple.
Wait a minute, that might hurt my only weeks old child,
so I'll just go ahead lumbering around with this excess of emotion instead.

I can only come to the conclusion that
1. you are right in saying that people not liking something isn't a big problem (shouldn't be)
2. that I wish that was as obvious to Nifflas as it is to you guys

It's crap to only know someone well enough to care about their wellbeing,
but not well enough to go knock on his door and in a suprise attack shove chocolate down his throat...

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