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Topics - Hmpf

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One night Juni gets up to get a glass of water, and finds that instead of her apartment, outside her bedroom door is – The Night Building.

The Night Building is vast. It is a dream/nightmare of the Brutalist-Gothic sublime. It is architecture made of architecture; architecture grown rampant. It confounds ideas of “inside” and “outside”. Its architecture becomes landscape. Its landscape is architecture. Were its mountainous walls and cavernous halls built or grown? Who can tell? The Night Building’s windows and doors are endless but you will never find another soul in it.


This will be an exploration level with meticulously designed screens, but this time I’m trying to do it with an overarching concept, a strong sense of visual cohesion, and hopefully even a little bit of “gameplay” beyond the pure exploration.

The level size will probably be around 200-300 screens, although of course it’s hard to tell, this early. I have concepts for around 30 different areas at the moment, but not all of them may make it in; and more/others may be added. Also, area size will vary.

This level wears its influences on its sleeve. Tsutomo Nihei’s Blame! is in there (more strongly in some parts than others); Limasse5’s exploration platformer NaissanceE, itself a tribute to Blame!, is in there, too (again, more strongly in some parts than others). In lesser known influences there is certainly a fair bit of “La Structure”, from the short-lived (but maybe some day to be continued? I live in hope...) French comic Ascensions by Bouss – this latter most notably in the way the Night Building, unlike Nihei’s megastructure, is teeming with vegetation (at least in some areas).

Most of all, though, this level comes from my dreams. Throughout my life, every once in a while I’ve been dreaming of strange, disorienting, vast architecture. They’re eerie dreams, eerie places, though not exactly frightening. I enjoy them. They feel Important. This level is the first thing I’ve ever managed to put them into.

(I'd like to add two gifs to the preview pictures, but they're too big so I'm going to have to make them separate posts.)

ETA: Or can I add them like this....
ETA2: No, I can't. Ok, until I figure out how to actually make them appear in this post or another, here's links to them on Google Drive:

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Challenge][Normal][Small]BIG PIXELS
« on: November 22, 2023, 19:08:28 »
Yes, I know, I disappear for ten years and now, suddenly, two new levels?? I'm as surprised as anyone.

This one wasn't supposed to happen. I was just playing around with a silly idea, this past weekend: What if I used the clusters of single-colour tiles included in some tilesets as paintbrushes? I started making some screens, quickly, no more than a few minutes spent on each screen, just to get a sense of what one could do with that idea. It kind of accidentally began to take the shape of a level that *almost* looked like it could be a challenge level, so I started retrofitting challenges into it. I could use the practice, anyway.

I think more can be done with this visual concept if I allow myself more than a few minutes per screen, so maybe I'll return to it someday.

I also want to learn the basics of making challenge levels, so I'll probably make a few more quick, small ones in the near/medium-term future. (Not necessarily all with this particular look. :D)

This isn't exactly the most beautiful thing I've ever made, but it was a lot of fun to make. I hope it'll be fun to play, too.

Download link:

UPDATE, December 3rd:

New version! Mostly cosmetic changes to a number of screens, but there's also one new powerup to find, and an associated "secret". Some screens aesthetically improved. Sign areas used consistently. Closed off a void/wallswim (plus two other areas where I figured that might happen, to players who insist on looking around every corner and edge). One critter challenge slightly improved (though it's still the wrong critter for that stage of the game/that area/that screen design. Oh well, I'm learning.) Cat credit added. Music added to party. Etc. Download new version above.

AKA, What I Did on My Summer Holiday. (Well, minus the boat. I don't have a boat.)

Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost "Bundesland" of Germany, a flat to moderately hilly, agrarian landscape sitting between the North Sea and the Baltic sea, has always been my favourite part of the country, and this year I spent a very rainy summer vacation there. Despite the rain (which is kind of par for the course) this fully reignited my love for the area and since I had rediscovered KS only weeks before, it inspired me to make a KS level about it. Here it is.

It's a very linear environmental; you can make the return trip in two different kinds of weather, though.

You can pet some cats. You can visit your friends. You can have cake. That's it.

It's very green and pretty rainy.

It has possibly the longest credits sequence in the history of short environmentals.

Archive link: (Final version!!! I hope! Thoroughly tested after the latest bug fix, so I'm pretty sure that one didn't introduce new errors - unlike the previous one, whoops.)


ETA: Replaced the screenshot at the request of the Campaign for Accuracy in Advertising. ;-) The old one had too friendly weather, anyway - though, don't holiday postcards and brochures always show these unnaturally bright blue skies, and then when you actually get there it's all grey and rainy? :D But anyway; here's one with one of the real skies from the level (and no missing tree corner). All the skies in this level are taken from my holiday photos, which are basically a collection of dramatic skies like that.

Re: KS+: There is only one thing in this, so far, that is making it a KS+ level: a recoloured water object that overrides Liquids bank object #19. The level is technically playable in vanilla KS, but the water will appear static.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Environmental][Small]Between the Seas
« on: September 06, 2023, 00:23:47 »
Work on Falling Water is in a phase where I need to think about conceptual stuff for a bit before building more screens but I still want to build screens because that's fun. So, for now, I'm building screens for something else.

This will be a small environmental, zero challenge, just a walk through nice scenery. It's based on Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost part of Germany, an area I love a lot. In the level you'll get to walk from the east coast (the Baltic Sea) to the west coast (the North Sea).

I'm attaching some pics of *real* Schleswig-Holstein below, as well as one screenshot (out of only three screens so far, but then, I only started yesterday). Unfortunately I don't remember how to embed images in the post itself.

Knytt Stories / KS editing with old eyes
« on: July 23, 2023, 14:01:24 »
Over the past week of working on my level again I've found myself practically crawling into my laptop screen trying to see what I was doing in the teeny tiny KS Editor window. Since there's no fullscreen option: any tips for a screen resolution I could set my laptop's screen to that will improve this situation? I've tried quite a few already but they all messed pretty badly with how text and numbers were displayed in the editor's interface, creating an overall "blurred" (not quite the right word but can't think of another) effect. Is there any way to... embiggen the editor and keep everything crisp at the same time?

ETA: Sorry, wrong board, I just realised. Tried to delete but it seems that's not possible!

Knytt Stories / How to become your own playtester
« on: July 23, 2023, 13:54:50 »
Step 1: Make a level.
Step 2: Don't play your level for 10 years.
Step 3: Play your level when you have forgotten almost everything about it. See all the flaws. (Holy shit did I put some confusing areas in there. But... the good bits also still really do it for me, so overall it was a positive experience. You know you did something right, 10+ years ago, when you can give yourself a real sense of wonder.)

Can't really recommend this method, as it does take 10 years!

Hi. I'm sorry I dropped out of everything for ten years, especially @person who offered to do the music for my level and whose name I currently can't remember because it's been *that* long. :-( I can't promise the dropping out thing won't happen again, because... life. But for now, I'm kinda back, I think? Got a lot to relearn, may have questions soon (warps/shifts/WHAT/HOW). Would also really like recommendations for post-2013 or so environmental levels and scenic challenge levels up to "normal" difficulty because I *still* suck at platforming, but I should probably make a dedicated thread for that.

Mainly I just wanted to say: it's awesome to see there's still people here and levels being made and released! I got a lot of catching up to do, and I'm *delighted*!

Knytt Underground / What would be really useful:
« on: February 01, 2013, 00:54:17 »
If the various quest givers were to repeat your task to you when you talk to them again.

Because I've been playing this game in small 'portions' over a space of several weeks now, and I haven't been very systematic about doing one quest after another, so now I have lots of unfinished quests and basically no idea what they were anymore.

Knytt Stories / A KS level rec tumblr?
« on: January 21, 2013, 18:17:10 »
I've been hanging out on tumblr a lot recently, because of a bad case of, errm, band obsession (tumblr is where all the fans are these days, apparently), and - tumblr being a very visual site - I've been wondering if I should start a KS recs blog there. I'd probably post mostly screenshots from levels I liked, combined with a sentence or two of description of the level and download forum links. No idea if anyone would actually "read" that blog, but if some people ended up doing so, it might - just possibly - draw a few new people here. Or it might not. But it seems like it couldn't hurt, at least?

What do you guys think?

In particular: do you think anyone could have objections to a couple of screenshots from their levels being posted there?

Knytt Stories / Tilesets!
« on: January 12, 2013, 13:19:27 »
You guys!!! There are so many great tilesets!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Actually I have no time to be knytting right now, but I just had a look over my tilesets folder while I was eating, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so in love! There are so many I haven't used yet!!!)

I am so not done with this game.

There are at least two more large levels I want to build. A very green one (because Falling Water turned out less green than intended; and also because I'd like to combine green with a blue sky, which wasn't possible in FW), and one about a mysterious building (using any and all architectural tilesets :-)).

People better be checking this forum for the next few years yet, lol.

Knytt Underground / Stuck? (Here there be SPOILERS, obviously.)
« on: January 07, 2013, 00:41:18 »
I'm stuck in a couple of places, and wondering if it's just me trying something the wrong way, or me being too slow, or the game wanting me to do something else first. Just so I don't keep trying futile things a million times, maybe someone can tell me if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong/too slow, or if I should come back later?

First example: see attached image. Should I be able to get all the way through that screen, and halfway through the one above it, with the green flower? Because no matter how hard I try, I can only get to the top edge of that screen before the flower's power (ha: flower power!) expires. But the next screen seems to require the same power.

Creativity Support / Easy, basic tool for creating soundscapes?
« on: January 06, 2013, 19:43:45 »
Is there something comparable to the KS editor (in its utter noob-friendly simplicity), that will allow me to put together simple soundscapes? I'm not really looking for a full music editor, but something rather more basic... ideally something that comes with a library of sounds/instrument sounds.

Knytt Underground / This game requires quick reflexes, doesn't it?
« on: December 23, 2012, 21:09:05 »
I've recently had it officially (medically) confirmed that my reaction times are longer than those of 95% of the relevant control group (for my age, gender and general background), so this explains why I've never been able to play games that require fast reactions. So... the reviews are making me think this is a game that I probably don't even need to try - a game requiring quick reactions... or is it?

Knytt Stories / Need help with Fegon's Yggdrasil
« on: August 04, 2010, 23:01:28 »
I'm stuck somewhere near the beginning of Yggdrasil. I have the run and highjump powerups, but nothing else - and there's nothing else accessible, as far as I can see. The only passage I haven't explored yet is barred by a long stretch of spikes, longer than I can jump over with just the highjump powerup. Hints, please?

Knytt Stories / Need help with Farik's "The Hunt"
« on: July 20, 2010, 21:16:21 »
So... I've finally reached the... boss or whatever it is, of that level. But it seems I can't move, nor do anything else. What am I supposed to do?

I'm trying to create a small gallery on my new website where you can click on a thumbnail and this will open a fixed-size window in which the full image will be displayed. How do I do that? I've been trying it in Dreamweaver, but the result doesn't seem to work in either of my browsers, even when I disable the pop-up blockers and so on. The code Dreamwaver gave me looks like this:

<a href="img/harbour.png"><img src="img/harbour_thumb.png" alt="harbour thumbnail" border="0" onload="MM_openBrWindow('img/harbour.png','harbour','width=592,height=232')" /></a>

Is there something wrong with that code? Any tips what I could change to make this work?

ETA: Never mind, I think I found the problem.

ETA2: Actually... I found out how to make the little pop-up window appear. However, for some reason there is *also* a full-size new browser tab that appears at the same time. Any idea why *that* happens? o.O

ETA3: Okay, now I *have* found and solved the problem. :-)

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