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Topics - Silhouette

Pages: [1]
Knytt Stories / Does this level exist?
« on: January 23, 2010, 01:59:57 »
I've been around these forums for a while now, but I never took the time to register.  However, a question came to mind while browsing levels and I just had to ask it. 

Remember the first Knytt?  Of course you do, it's unforgettable, and it holds a certain charm that no Knytt Stories level will ever have. 

My question is: does there exist a remake of the classic Knytt world for Knytt Stories?  By remake, I mean, pretty much a clone of the original, without the ship parts obviously.  Basically, a chance to relive the original Knytt, but as Juni in Knytt Stories.  This would probably be a big project to tackle, considering each and every tile would have to be placed into a tileset, and I doubt it's been done.  However, it doesn't hurt to ask right?

Let me know if it's been done or not. :D

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