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Messages - LordMarzog

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Nice to hear people liked it.

I did end it abruptly because inspiration dried up really fast as I realized I was just making a practice level. So I took the cheap route at a few places (invisible wall and abrupt end)

I do have a new level in progress, and I'll be keeping all the feedback in mind. It's been great to have such a warm welcome back too!

Thanks again everyone!

I'm loving this level so far! I'm at some puzzle place location with stuff that does things.


But it's pretty awesome! Just the right balance of skill, thinking, and luck. Can't wait to see how it ends.

Wow. I haven't made a knytt stories level in.... 4 years?
After I burned myself out on my 'Run the Gauntlet" levels, I guess I needed a break from KS.

But now I have returned (for now at least).

This is a VERY short level that is essentially just me getting my feet wet again. Nothing fancy here. No custom work or shifts. I did however try to push my artistic side though and tried to add depth to the scenery. I would very much so appreciate feed back on how I did with that.

And don't worry, unlike in the Run the Gauntlet levels, there is no heavy handed story being shoved into your face here.
So yeah. Feedback would be lovely as I intend to start on a new level soon and will probably try my hand at custom backgrounds again.

So anyways, Here it is.

Hope y'all enjoy.

Forum Games / Re: Have you ever?
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:30:00 »
If you're talking about the video I think you are, I haven't seen it. Thank God for that. A warning to readers, don't go trying to figure it out. It'll scar you for life.

Have you ever fallen asleep with your phone in your hand? (I did once. I was typing when I fell asleep. Next morning I saw I had typed "ttttttttt")

Forum Games / Re: Have you ever?
« on: January 30, 2012, 19:23:41 »
Actually, I have. Thanks to my cousin who is partially color blind. I recall watching him play HL2 on my laptop last month. He was lost, so I told him "See that blue door over there? That's where you need to go." His reply was, "I don't see a blue door!" (I can't remember what color he said it looked like to him) But it was very interesting indeed.

Have you ever had your bicycle seat come loose causing you to be put in an awkward position until you could stop? (I have. My seat tipped backwards... Getting a wedgie via a rotating BMX tire hurts. No, I don't own that bike anymore  X-P)

Forum Games / Re: Have you ever?
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:37:08 »
Yup. I have indeed.

Have you ever woken up from a wonderful dream and thought that it was real?
(E.g I dreamed I had a classic Corvette, woke up thinking it was real until I looked in the garage :S)

Nifflas' Sources / Re: Knytt Stories: Ideas for Collectable Items
« on: January 25, 2012, 00:43:02 »
Wow! It never crossed my mind that the red one was suggestive of anything but mystical/high technology. I'm thinking I should change it now. Once you see it as a phallic symbol, you can never go back. Although, that does invoke a since of ancientness. Primitive art is full of phalli and fertility gods.

Personally I had thought that it looked like a "T" connecting with a "U" but yeah it does indeed look rather suggestive. Maybe instead if one prong, you could use two? Like having the pi symbol or an up side down "U" connect with a sideways "E"?

Of course, maybe having one object slide into another is just something to avoid all together? Up to you.

[mod]fixed quote[/mod]

Nifflas' Sources / Re: Knytt Stories: Ideas for Collectable Items
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:03:12 »
The yellow one looks just fine to me. No matter how hard I look at it, I can't fool myself into seeing it turn 90 degrees then snap back.

I like them both. They're pretty cool! 8)

Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: Template objects for KS Ex
« on: January 23, 2012, 19:23:53 »
Thanks. I'll have to toy around with that when I get the chance.

Out of curiosity, is it possible to make an enemy that responds only when Juni touches it? Like, say if I wanted to make a custom enemy that behaves similar to the green chomper thing. (Only my idea would behave more like a mouse trap) So that when Juni reaches the middle (or any part of it) it triggers?

The fishing pole was perfect! I know it's a small, insubstantial part, but I really liked it! I stopped and watched it for a couple minutes even though it really wasn't doing anything.
I'm glad that there are people that like that stuff, even though I am yet to make a level with a lot of detail, I know that these little things are a pain to get perfect. A lot of the time I spent with the level I'm currently making was wasted with tiny things most people won't notice.

Interesting you should put it that way. I recall listening to the developer's commentary for Half Life 2 episode 2 and how they mentioned that Alyx's belt now moves like a real belt should. They pointed out that since it now looks so real, it (ironically) would probably go unseen.
So, if you think about it, if we don't notice the tiny details, that means you did a very good job of adding them.  :)

Hmm, I personally thought I noticed projectiles sharply changing direction in mid-air, but rightward? I'll have to check again.

Hmmmm..... The mystery deepens :ohnoes:

What have you stumbled upon egomassive?  :P

Apologies for double post.
 I just looked at all that and I couldn't really see much of a change of trajectory for the fireball.
A couple times the 4:15's fireball would go left or right extremely fast, but nothing else that I noticed.

Must be my game or something.

Yes <_< >_> I jumped over it, went to the next screen, stopped 5 pixels short of the trip wire, then ran back and grabbed it.
Holy shoot that's exactly what I did :O

Now that is freaky  O_o

Hmmmm perhaps Talps was right. Too much Portal  X)

Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: A tileset
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:58:31 »
No offense intended, but the color and pattern reminds me of nutter butter cookies.

Still very nice looking though I must say   :^^:

Huh. I made the level and didn't notice that  O_o I must go have a looksie.
But indeed a job well done figuring out how that bug works.

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