Where can we post beta levels, levels in parts, or levels over 100 megs?

  • 3 Replies
There doesn't appear to be a KS level sub forum anymore, and I have a level that's split into six parts, and includes a walkthrough. Knytt level archive doesn't support zip folders. So what are we supposed to do about those kinds of levels?


Offline Razzorman

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Maybe Knyttlevels will get .zip file support in the future? :huh:
My only star: :hiddenstar:



Offline Miss Paula

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At the moment, as far as I can tell, the best you can do is wait for the extended/rewritten/improved version of the KS levels Archive. Did you read about that in this topic? LPChip aims to be done sometime next month, until then you prolly just have to exercise patience.
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Oh... I guess I missed that part the first time... :oops: