[Challenge/Misc] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever (New Team Member 6/30/09)

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Offline LPChip

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Doesn't matter. You're breaking the forum rules. Also, if you begin to pester, JC may feel more hesitant to comply.

Well said.
on the left, above my avatar.

MODPlug Central Forum
"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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I personally think you shouldn't release a beta to the forum, it'd be better kept a secret :shifty:

(Im on the inside i would know)

I was going to say more but its hard not to leak info XD

glad to hear your back up there JC :P2

Incorrect forum, sir. X)
Only the team gets to see the level, remember?

When the F@#% will we get to test the level?

With such attitude, never.

But I am a tester.

Patience is the key to proper work. Remember, this is a big project for one person...  ;)

Doesn't matter. You're breaking the forum rules. Also, if you begin to pester, JC may feel more hesitant to comply.

Begin to pester me? This is the first I've been asked about BSoaKFF here in awhile. I'm glad to here people still care, however slightly it may be...  :P2

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline Emeraldfire7

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but i am on the team... oh wait XD i get it now lol ok goodie :3 i'll be waitimg lol :P2


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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I'm truly am sorry everyone. I just haven't had the time to do anything with BSoaKFF on the forefront of actual work. I have so much going on it really is hard to juggle everything, even with a schedule. I've added about three new very time-consuming activities, and only lost my MMA training... which I'll restart when it warms up... I wish I could freeze time so I could catch everything up to speed...   X)

I will manage though. You have no clue how determined I am to finish this level.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 06:45:02 by JC Grim the 'crete reaper »
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline Sendy

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I really hope this thing gets finished, it looks and sounds fantastic. I will say, I think maybe you should lower your sights a little, using all 256 ambience slots just for the hell of it seems a bit... well... reckless perhaps? Too time consuming? But if you think you can pull it off, go for it! I know for a fact that longterm projects can come together, because mine is coming together and the end is in sight! Yours may need a lot more time as it's more ambitious, but I believe the same rules apply...


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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I really hope this thing gets finished, it looks and sounds fantastic. I will say, I think maybe you should lower your sights a little, using all 256 ambience slots just for the hell of it seems a bit... well... reckless perhaps? Too time consuming? But if you think you can pull it off, go for it! I know for a fact that longterm projects can come together, because mine is coming together and the end is in sight! Yours may need a lot more time as it's more ambitious, but I believe the same rules apply...

That was kinda the point. I wanted to bring KS to it's limits, as farthest  as capable... and do it as beautifully as possible.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline Sendy

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Indeed, the limits of KS have barely been scratched, now that we can animate our worlds and have more layering possibilities, who knows what beauty can be achieved? I'm glad you're still soldiering on with this :)


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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I'm glad you're still soldiering on with this :)

And indeed I am. The schedule I have wrote up has me working on BSoaKFF every:

Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-11pm,
Saturdays 10pm-11pm, and
Sundays 6pm-8pm.

Of course, I will have to change the Tuesday and Thursday spot when I begin taking MMA again... but for now, it will do.  :^^:
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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I may have some interesting news everyone...

Since picking BSoaKFF back up, I will need help on the tester side again.
Now this doesn't seem too interesting, right?

Well, here is the catch.
If some of my testers have gone inactive... I will need replacements.
What does this mean for you?
You could have a temporary spot on the testers team!
I believe I will call them "Tester Substitutes".
It's like high school all over again! :D ...wait...

Now you ask me, "Why temporary Oh Great BSoaKFF master?
(I may misquote you just a small amount :D)

Well if the original testers become active again they will still want their spot back... because ya know... it is their spot.

Though this doesn't mean all hope is lost.
If you are good, helpful, and productive (Lest we forget persuasive) you could secure your own personal spot on
the Beta testing team!

Now I do have a few people in mind for Subs if they are interested, but I will accept "applications" (For a lack of a better word) for these spots.

 Now I'm not even sure if anyone still watches this topic, but I hope at least some people do... it would be rather motivating to know the scent of BSoaKFF still lingers around the forum...
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 03:11:22 by JC Grim the 'crete reaper »
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell

A great and mighty king of the Knytt Boot to the Head world, I'm afraid I must decline your offer. I've hated your guts ever since I lost my 256 tileset lunatic level to a system crash. Please execute me now for treason.
Lurk more.


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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...And so it shall be done.

"Ariel, remove him from my throne room at once..."

I do apologize for your loss.
Though, there isn't much of any reason to hate me, it wasn't I who crashed your system to secure my levels existence and outstanding epicness...  :shifty:

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline Pumpkinbot

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A great and mighty king of the Knytt Boot to the Head world, I'm afraid I must decline your offer. I've hated your guts ever since I lost my 256 tileset lunatic level to a system crash. Please execute me now for treason.
...And so it shall be done.

"Ariel, remove him from my throne room at once..."

I do apologize for your loss.
Though, there isn't much of any reason to hate me, it wasn't I who crashed your system to secure my levels existence and outstanding epicness...  :shifty:


I lol'd. A lot.
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.

Big Level.

Underoath - It's Dangerous Business Just Walking Out Your Front Door.


Offline Joho The Hobo

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Glad to see this is still alive :) .
I log back in here every so often to check on it.

Not to give you a big head or anything, but I cannot believe your persistence with this. I don't even remember any projects I was working on when you started BSoaKFF, and I'm sure I didn't finish any of them.

But yeah, this is hardly about me, just really glad to see this still being worked on. And looking good, too, judging by the screenshots.


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I cant wait to get in Julia's House.

we can steal objects right? :D